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Read each feature description and give it a priority (P1, P2 or P3).

- Priority 1 "Absolutely necessary / Basic usage / Core feature": These are features to satisfy users’ basic needs or baseline expectations.

- Priority 2 "Secondary feature": It is about improved features to increase the product’s usability. Without these, the product has minimal appeal to the user.

- Priority 3 "Nice to have feature": Features exploring new opportunities for the user broader than the initial usage. Without these features the product appeal does not change a lot.

This should take about 15mn. If you want to add a comment on a feature feel free to do it.
Do not forget please to click to save your answers at the end.

mandatory answer

Question 1

Please enter your Name so we can identify your answers later

mandatory answer

Question 2

FT 2.1
As a CRM I want to create a new SLA/OLA with its related data in an easy-simple way. When I click to create a new SLA/OLA; I can:
- link it with other SLAs/OLAs and views (ex: link to a business process, chain, line then desk, region...),
- link it with applications
- add validators names
- add cards
- upload an attachment to it
- specify if the SLA/OLA is part of a business SLA and have the reference/link to it (SGSS case)
- the SLA/OLA name follows a naming convention...



mandatory answer

Question 3

FT 2.2
As a CRM I want to link an Application/CI to a Business Process, Business Chain, Desk...



mandatory answer

Question 4

FT 2.3
As a CRM I want to create a new SLA. When I open the Chatbot, I get instructions on how to create automatically the SLA/OLA. The Chatbot guides me throughout the creation of the SLA/OLA and indicates exactly what each field refers to.



mandatory answer

Question 5

FT 2.4
As a CRM, I want to see a help popup on each field when I create or modify an SLA/OLA. The possible choices in the fields are extracted from a database that is updated regularly, ensuring that the data is up-to-date.



mandatory answer

Question 6

FT 2.5
As a Tribe Manager, I want to see a monitoring status on SLA/OLA (monitoring implemented/not) so that I can find those where monitoring is not yet done.



mandatory answer

Question 7

FT 2.6
As a CRM, I want to mass upload modifications on SLA/OLA after a review campaign so that they are negotiated and revalidated. The old version of SLA/OLA is kept and can be consulted.



mandatory answer

Question 8

FT 2.7
As a CRM I want to have an administration page from which I can modify in an easy way or massively update Services/SLA/OLA.
Ex1: I massively update the list of people involved on the SLA/OLA lifecycle (I select a desk and modify the name of the business validator or a BRM.it is computed for all SLA/OLA of this desk).
Ex2: Business Lines or desks have changed following (reorganization), they have been split. I can duplicate Services/SLA/OLA pertaining to the BL or desk



mandatory answer

Question 9

FT 2.8
Usage of generic templates of SLA/OLA (Case TBD later)



mandatory answer

Question 10

FT 2.9
As a CRM I want to modify or delete Service/SLA/OLA in an easy simple way
ex: modify the SLA description
ex: delete a parent SLA have the possibility to select its related OLA and ask which ones I keep or delete



mandatory answer

Question 11

FT 3.1
As a user involved in SLA/OLA negotiations I want to have a clear workflow to negotiate and validate SLA/OLA which should follow a clear life cycle (ex: in draft, in negotiation, validated (with/without back testing), decommissioned, expired)



mandatory answer

Question 12

FT 3.2
As a CRM, stakeholders, I want to receive a notification/reminder when the SLA/OLA expiry date is close (ex: 45 days - and before the yearly campaign: ex from mid Jan to end of Feb) so that I start renewing/recertifying the SLA/OLA.



mandatory answer

Question 13

FT 3.3
As a CRM, stakeholders, I want to receive a notification whenever an SLA/OLA on my perimeter has changed (new validation, new creation), with the list of changes, so that I'm aware of the new conditions.



mandatory answer

Question 14

FT 3.4
As a user involved in SLA/OLA negotiations, I want to have notifications whenever the SLA/OLA lifecycle changes (ex: like jive updates via outlook and including when it has been validated.



mandatory answer

Question 15

FT 3.5
As a CRM, user involved in SLA/OLA negotiations, I want to see the audit trail showing the list of modifications and their performers



mandatory answer

Question 16

FT 3.6
As a user involved in SLA/OLA negotiations I want to see the list (like portfolio) of SLA/OLA on my perimeter and their status (including the validated)



mandatory answer

Question 17

FT 3.7
As a CRM I want to launch renewal of SLA/OLA validation by simply clicking on a button when there is no change from a period to another



mandatory answer

Question 18

FT 3.8
As a CRM I want to renew an SLA/OLA. When I select an SLA, I can click to renew it. A new version is created in draft and the old version of SLA/OLA is kept so it can be consulted.



mandatory answer

Question 19

FT 3.9
As I CRM, BRM I can select a list of SLA/OLA on my perimeter and launch their renewal. For each SLA/OLA new versions are created and old ones are kept to be consulted.



mandatory answer

Question 20

FT 3.10
As a user I want every update done after the validation of SLA/OLA implies a creation of a new version of SLA/OLA. The new version shows the differences with the previous one.



mandatory answer

Question 21

FT 4.1
As Support Chapter, CRM I want to search information on a Service/SLA/OLA very quickly via the Chatbot. Also the Chatbot provides the shortcut to the Service/SLA/OLA web page.
Should be covered in basic way by search fields



mandatory answer

Question 22

FT 4.2
As a user I want to search Service/SLA/OLA per
- reference or name, Child
- Business Process, Business Chain, Business Line, Desk, Client
- its pertaining Applications or CI, its name or ID
- Region, Department, SU, Tribe, my perimeter
- associated Card and by severity ?
- Period and Time, Last updated, Approved between period to
- people names working on them or assignment group



mandatory answer

Question 23

FT 4.3
As a user I want to search Applications or CI for which no SLA/OLA is linked to, so that I start drafting the latter. The search is by assignment group, region, application, tribe manager perimeter



mandatory answer

Question 24

FT 5.1
As a CRM I want to consult the properties of the SLA (including if it is global/local/regional)



mandatory answer

Question 25

FT 5.2
As a user I want to consult the list of OLAs of an Application



mandatory answer

Question 26

FT 5.3
As a CRM I want to consult the Services/SLA/OLA per (Business Line, BP, Desk, Region, Business Chains, Department, client (SGSS)) view. In this view I can:
- list of Applications and their dependencies, their names and ID
- dependencies between Service/SLA/OLA (child)
- list of SLA/OLA validators
- list of people involved on SLA/OLA/Application (CRM, Support Chapter, App referent, BRM,...)
- status (lifecycle) of the SLA/OLA (Validated)
- list of SLA Cards and SLA Breaches



mandatory answer

Question 27

FT 5.4
As a CRM I want to consult the list of Applications per Business Process



mandatory answer

Question 28

FT 5.5
As a Support Member, Support Chapter, CRM, I want to show by default the Applications (and Services/SLA/OLA) that I am assigned to. I should also have the ability to tag and save favorite Service/SLA/OLA views for a quick access.



mandatory answer

Question 29

FT 6.1
As a CRM, Tribe Manager, I want to extract SLA/OLA in a specific-common and formal format (ex: PDF, Excel), understandable by users ?
The extract includes the list of cards on SLA/OLA and the SLA/OLA calculation, the related Business process, the list of validators and the last update date.


mandatory answer

Question 30

FT 7.1
As a FT, Tribe Mgr, App Mgr, Support Chapter, I want to set alerts on SLA/OLA and receive the status on my SLA/OLA, their usage, their breaches, the trends,…



mandatory answer

Question 31

FT 7.2
As a user I want to create easily custom reports on SLA/OLA with capabilities of pivot tables and be able to extract them (by SLA / OLA / business chains / applications or Cis (name or ID)/ IT '& Business contacts / departments)



mandatory answer

Question 32

FT 7.3
As a user I want to receive status on SLA '& OLA (Case TBD - Daily for what purpose ? Monthly ? Yearly ?)



mandatory answer

Question 33

FT 7.4
As a user I want to receive by email reports that I customized.



mandatory answer

Question 34

FT 8.1
As a PO of a monitoring tool I want to access the list of SLA Cards, Services/SLA/OLA and their CI via API so that I can integrate them in my monitoring consoles (+MARPE + NotifyNow)



mandatory answer

Question 35

FT 8.2
As a CRM I want SLA Cards and SLA Breaches to be computed and recorded in EZMAPPS



mandatory answer

Question 36

FT 8.3
As a user I want to see all the problems linked to a Service/SLA/OLA so that I can check their action plans and their status



mandatory answer

Question 37

FT 8.4
As a user I want to consult my SLA/OLA per client. Information on client is retrieved from KIWI + Clipper for SGSS



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