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Conscious Entrepreuneur

Hi dear conscious entrepreuneur ?
I am making some researches on conscious entrepreneurship and how it can serve the evolution of the companies and society for a better world for all.
The goal of this enquiry is to gather the experiences of conscious entrepreuneur so that I can share them to help people and compagnies who are struggling to have fresh meaningful new start by becoming conscious entrepreuneur so that they can contribute to create a better world .
Thank you for your contribution and help.

mandatory answer

Question 1

Are you a conscious entrepreuneur?

mandatory answer

Question 2

What is a conscious entrepreuneur according to you ?

mandatory answer

Question 3

How do you become a conscious entrepreuneur?Was there a switch a turning point that make you become a conscious entrepreuneur?

mandatory answer

Question 4

Why you started your journey to become a conscious entrepreuneur?

mandatory answer

Question 5

What would you advice someone starting his her journey in conscious entreupreuneurship?

mandatory answer

Question 6

Do you have suggestions or advices for the research ?

Question 7

Would you recommand to Stephanie one or two persons to whom we could send this enquiry ?

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