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Amazon Air - ULDs handling during adverse weather

Dear all,
This questionnaire is shared to get feedback on the way you handle ULDs during adverse weather, especially to better understand if your Gateway has set a weather limitation e.g above 40kts no ULDs operations are permitted
Please feel free to add any further comment for each question

We'd appreciate a feedback for this survey before 26th of October,
Thank you very much
The Safety Team

mandatory answer

Question 1

Please select your Gateway



mandatory answer

Question 2

Email address of the responder:

mandatory answer

Question 3

Does your Gateway have set any specific weather (wind) limitations for ULD movements?



mandatory answer

Question 4

If the answer YES had been ticked for the previous question, please provide the weather limitations that had been set regarding the ULDs handling e.g If winds are >20-25Kts, the ULDs should be full, half full, not empty

mandatory answer

Question 5

Do you consider the empty ULDs being at risk in case of severe weather? Please feel free to add a comment



mandatory answer

Question 6

What are the preventive actions implemented at your Gateway when handling ULDs in case of severe weather?

mandatory answer

Question 7

Please add any other comment that may help in learning more about the handling of the ULDs in case of severe weather - If you do not have any additional comment, please mention "NA"

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