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Amazon EUAIR Safety - Post PEAK Safety survey December 2022

Dear all,
Your voice matters and this survey has been created with the aim to collect your feedback post Peak. Although we communicate through different channels (email, Chime), this survey is an opportunity for us to focus on the Peak season and get your feedback including what worked well and what needs to be improved from a Safety point of view.
Please feel free to share any feedback related to Safety that will help us improve the next Peak experience!
Thank you very much

mandatory answer

Question 1

Please select your Gateway or organization



mandatory answer

Question 2

Your structure belongs to


mandatory answer

Question 3

Email address of the responder

mandatory answer

Question 4

How is your feeling about the way Peak22 was handled from a Safety point of view?



mandatory answer

Question 5

Can you please share feedback on what worked well from a Safety point of view? If you have no feedback to provide, please mention "NA" in the below field

Please feel free to cover all topics related to Amazon operations Safety like Amazon equipment, processes, Safety events, communication, ...

mandatory answer

Question 6

Can you please share what would need to be improved for the next Peak from a Safety point of view? If you have no feedback to provide, please mention "NA" in the below field

Please feel free to cover all topics related to Amazon operations Safety like Amazon equipment, processes, Safety events, communication, ...

You too, create your online questionnaire!
It's free and easy.
Let's go!